Lisa Willing

Online marketing blog

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10 years of advanced store: Review of the 2nd :connect Partner Day

10 years of advanced store: Review of the 2nd :connect Partner Day

10 years of advanced store - this has to be celebrated! So we invited to the 2nd advanced store :connect Partner Day in our Berlin office and many representatives of networks, agencies, advertisers and publishers accepted our invitation. An exciting workshop program and a lively exchange in a pleasant atmosphere awaited the guests.

Top 100 Influencers of Affiliate Marketing: Two of them are working for advanced store

Top 100 Influencers of Affiliate Marketing: Two of them are working for advanced store

We have influencers! No, not influenza. But at advanced store people work who are among the opinion leaders in their industry. At least Markus Kellermann ( ) sees it that way. After all, as in 2015, he included our company founder Marc Majewski in the list of the top 100 influencers in affiliate marketing. Yvette Tilly from advanced store has also made it into the ranking. We asked Marc what he says about the award and what he sees as the secret of success in online marketing. Being an affiliate influencer is fun "Of course, I'm glad that I'm [...]

advanced store and WOM Protocol start a cooperation: Blockchain meets display advertising

advanced store and WOM Protocol start a cooperation: Blockchain meets display advertising

The idea of decentralized data banks in form of blockchain is nothing new among industry experts. The advantages are clear, as data isn’t saved centrally but instead mirror the connection of many computers, protected from misuse or deficiencies. That is particularly important for sensitive data, such as financial transactions, which is what Melanie Mohr, founder of WOM Protocol, is also using for her new project. What is even more interesting is the preparation behind the project. Together with WOM Protocol advanced store will in fact define the role of the advertiser. Because who would be better fitted for the creation [...]

Online advertising vs. protection of personal data: Contradiction or in harmony?

Online advertising vs. protection of personal data: Contradiction or in harmony?

Which of your personal data is most important to you? Like most people, you're probably thinking about your date of birth, address, phone number, email password, and credit card or bank account information. We want to prevent this data from falling into the wrong hands under any circumstances. That is why we only issue them carefully, to selected persons and for a specific purpose.

Postview Banners - Display Advertising On CPO Basis

Postview Banners - Display Advertising On CPO Basis

Just a few years ago, Postview was viewed with great skepticism by many. Not everyone was convinced that a sale should actually be the result of pure visual contact with an advertising banner. Instead, banners that were clicked were the most important. However, it is now undisputed that advertising has an unconscious effect and that users visit the advertiser's website afterwards even without a direct click. Moreover, as fewer and fewer users click on banners at all, advertisers inevitably have to rethink their approach in order to gain insight into the impact of their advertising. Globally operating companies rely on [...]

Partner Workshop on the GDPR Innovations: An Industry Has to Stick Together

Partner Workshop on the GDPR Innovations: An Industry Has to Stick Together

We take part in the discussion of the far-reaching issues of privacy, performance enhancement, and digital technologies. After all, we have a lot of experience and knowledge in these areas. But more importantly we want our industry to exchange and collaborate on these issues, because it ultimately affects everyone. With advanced store :connect we have put this idea into practice and started a partner workshop. The result was an exciting day in our Berlin office with guest lectures, new ideas and the certainty that :connect will be repeated.


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advanced store is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. We will use your personal information only to manage your account and to provide you with the products and services you request.You can find more about data protection here.
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